2024/08/08 日本九州东部沿海M7.1地震初步破裂模型

Preliminary rupture models of the 8th Aug. 2024 M7.1 earthquake on the east coast of Kyushu, Japan


本次地震发生于2024年8月8日15:42:55(UTC+8),使用USGS提供的矩张量解,选择西北倾向节面进行反演, 矩震级Mw=7.0,破裂持续时间约为11秒

反演所需强震数据来自NIED,采用USGS给定的发震时刻和震源位置,破裂模型的反演基于迭代反褶积叠加(IDS)方法(Zhang et al., 2014; Zheng et al., 2020),格林函数采用QSSP程序(Wang et al., 2017)计算,所用一维速度结构提取自CRUST1.0模型(Laske et al., 2012).

模型下载: 20240808074255_Japan_Rupture_Info_1.txt

提供者:北京大学地球物理学系张勇研究组 徐晨雨





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3. Zhang, Y., Wang, R., Zschau, J., Chen, Y., Parolai, and Dahm, T. (2014). Automatic imaging of earthquake rupture processes by iterative deconvolution and stacking of high-rate GPS and strong motion seismograms, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 119, 5633-5650.

4. Zheng, X., Zhang, Y., Wang, R., Zhao, L., Li, W., and Huang, Q. (2020). Automatic inversions of strong‐motion records for finite‐fault models of significant earthquakes in and around Japan, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 125, e2020JB019992.